Many of these files have been compressed with winzip. (It's possible that, after downloading this file, you will need to add the extension .zip to the end of the file name in order for it to work properly with your de-compression program.)

Greg's XSI Primitives - Created by Greg Punchatz of Janimation - Primitive creation tools with A LOT more control than the default tools. G_sphere,G_donut and G_tube. (see notes in the file for instructions)

Drag and drop theses links from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

SeaShell Maker - By Eric Poirier - This is a VBscript to make a seashell. By changing the various numbers you can make a unlimited type and styles of seashells NOW WITH A GUI !!!

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Pill v1.0 - By Eric Poirier - (only works in XSI 1.0) - This script creates a nurbs rounded cylinder primitive

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

SOFTIMAGE|XSI Easy pull tool - by Reinhard Claus - The pull tool helps creating NURBS surfaces from scratch by gradually enlarging a small surface by repeatedly extending it to a deformable curve next to one of the edges of the surface. For more info, see the readme file contained in the zip..

There is an UPDATED version of this script avaliable. Get it here - EASYPULL 1.5

Drag and drop theses links from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:


MeshSplit - Created by Kim Aldis of Aldis Animation - (like Model>Polygon>Polygon Detach in SOFTIMAGE|3D) A tool to split a mesh into two new meshes. Composed of selected faces in the one object, unselected faces in the other. The source object remains untouched.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Subdivision Surfaces Toggle - Created by Anders Thönell - Webpage -Another way of working with subdivs and getting fast interaction. The scripts show the control polygons but not the subdiv mesh. (You will still see the subdivs in the render region) These commands will work in the 'Camera' view.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Use Vertexpainting to Displace Geometry - Created by Dave Lajoie - Website - Click here for a tutorial on how to use this script and more information.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Subdivide - Created by Dave Carroll - Website - Provides a 'Subdivide' button which allows you to toggle the subdivision level of a selected poly mesh between 0 and 1. Good for a quick SubD preview while working.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

ModelLight - Created by James Rogers - This script creates a point light that is contrained to the default camera, making modelling in shaded view a bit easier. The camera near plane value is also set to 1 so the light doesn't appear in the camera view. Simple but useful.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Extrusion Capping Script - Created by Javier Garcia - This script caps holes in extruded polygons. Make your extrusion, make the edge selection and run the script. There is a tutorial here. How to cap holes in Softimage XSI v 1.5

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Poly Cut - Created by Andy Hayes - Bournemouth University - This is a polygon cutting script that allows you to generate new polygon objects from selected polygons and unselected polygons whilst having the option to remove the old object or keep it - a simple box appears with boolean on off switches for the user to choose the outcome of the script.

Please send commments/suggestions to

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

KRTcurve2poly - Created by Prudkoy Yury - Create polygons from a curve or from multiple selected curves. This script is very similar to the "Draw>Convert to face" function that's found in SOFTIMAGE|3D. Comes with an interface to define the number of points for the generated poly and a history flag. With history on, you may add, delete or modify points on the curve. The polygon's number of points can not be modified. (This script is not needed if you have SOFTIMAGE|XSI Version 2.0 or higher)

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

SubdivPicker - Created by Robert Ryan - Webpage - Adjust subdivision levels up and down by clicking your left and middle mousebutton on an object. When clicking on a NURBS object, hardware display will be affected instead.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Subdiv-Head-Starter - Created by Ely Cannon - This script creates a cube with no faces on one side which controls a highres version of the cube as well as a mirrored copy of the high res version. It works very well for starting a head. This is for beginners who need a little help getting started. The high res version of the cube is offset to the side so you can watch it update as you manipulate the low res cube. Click here to Email me with questions.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Toggle Faceted by Michael Donovan - June 2001 - Intended as a modeling tool. Toggles Discontinuity from the current value to 0 and back again. The script is able to recall the set dicontinuity by creating a custom parameter "OldDiscontinuity" and storing the old value there. You can set this custom paramter to alter the smoothing angle further.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

edgeloop by Reinhard Claus - Takes a selection of edges on a polymesh object and selects rows of edges originating from these.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 2.0 to install:
EDGELOOP (This is for XSI 2.0 and above. It fixes some bugs and adds new feature:"grow selection along edgeloop" - selects edges on an edgeloop one after another for more control)

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

nurbs2subdiv by Reinhard Claus - Builds a new polymesh from the control points of a selected nurbs obj and sets the mesh subdiv.-level up so that the resulting surface is the same as the original nurbs (well at least if it had uniform parameterization - if not, it's only close to the original!)

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 2.0 to install:

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

UVDup v.1 by Bartek Dabkowski - ODYSEJA | DDD CGI Studio - UVDup creates NxN grid of instanced ' objects, surface-constraining ' them to a NURBS patch. VDup_Jitter randomizes selected ' surface-constrained objects' ' U and V position parameters ' by a set amount

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Wavefront OBJ Importer v.1 by Bartek Dabkowski - ODYSEJA | DDD CGI Studio - This little scripty parses Wavefront OBJ files ' and builds corresponding geometry. Imports polygon meshes. Currently ignores all other data (ex. UV) and can mess up when some non-standard indexing is used in the OBJ
NOTE: if this importer does not work for you, there is another on the XSINET, under File Converter>Import.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Effect_Symmetry - by Adam Garland - I created a symmetry script that works based on the global axis rather than resetting the local axis to the center of the world (like all the others I've found) which is a pain if you had it right where you wanted it. This script works exactly as the Effect/symmetry did in softimage right down to mirroring your center as well. Works on Nodes and hierchys etc. Compatable with 1.0 and 1.5 so far as I can tell. (This script is not needed if you have SOFTIMAGE|XSI Version 2.0 or higher)

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Effects->Magnet+ effect for SOFTIMAGE|XSI (Scripted Operator) - by Bartek D - Website - I wrote a scripted operator "Purchel" (say: poor-hell) that somewhat mimics behaviour of the Effects->Magnet+ effect in SOFTIMAGE|3D. Just import the EMDL. Then you can reattach the operator to some different objects. Have fun, cheers b

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to use:

Turntable Script - by Kim Aldis - Website - Turntable view simulator script. This works like the Turntable function found in SOFTIMAGE|3D. Uses an ortho camera as a turntable equivalent. Use the null 'Mover', translating in x to spin the turntable. The rotation expression is Mover.x * 45 so use snapping (<ctrl> key) with a value of one to spin the turntable view in increments of 45 degrees. Alter the 45 arg in setexpr() on the last but one line to change this granularity.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 to install:

Displacement "Bumpmap+" Script - by Adrian Wyer - Website - This script creates a nurbs grid with a user specified number of divisions, browses for an image and uses the color value of the image to displace the grids points.... It's like the old Bumpmap+ in soft3D but a bit rougher round the edges (no pun intended!!) A few limitations due to my sloppy code; the image is offset slightly due to the extra rows of points in Nurbs geometry (i said it was rough!!!) the grid is square (?) the script takes the blue channel of the image for displacement purposes (if i did all three channels and worked out an average, it would be even slower than it is, which is REALLY slow!!) Beware! Using this script on huge grids will probably not work... :)

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 2.0 to install:

.Drafting - By misner, modified by Javier Pahlen - This script gives the ability to switch between interactivly drawing lines and entering numerical values. Allows absolute, relative, and angle/distance. For now it uses user input similar to AutoCAD. Hopefully this can be redone as interactive visual icons in the near future.

Modifications: On the relative mode (@ least in my machine) the variables X1,Y1,Z1 got concatenated instead of added.
1.a nice feature of AutoCad is that one can type a curve in without touching the mouse... i fixed the script to do this.
2. also enabled nurbs and interpolated nurbs drafting
3. implemented undo point, close curve and xz drafting

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:

WeldMesh v1.1 by André Adam - Welds all points that share the same position on a polymesh object. *Warning*, it's damn slow.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:
WeldMesh v1.1

Imageplane by Jonathan Katoe - This script creates an imageplane for use in modelling.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:

MultiCvMg by Javier - merges multiple curves with automatic recognition of closest points. if necessary inverts the curves. Usage: run vbs and follow instructions: pick curves in merging order.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:

FitonCv by Javier - fits multiple curves with similar point densities and curve types. Work in progress.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:

CENTER ALIGNMENT TOOL by Chris Thomas: Put the PIVOT_TOOL.HTM file in your script directory of choice, then put the "Pivot_GUI.jpg" in a sub directoty called IMAGES. Replace the path "C:\scripts\Pivot_Tool.htm" in the "PIVOT_TOOL.VBS" script to your script directory, drag the script to a toolbar and name as usual......

PROBLEM1, The script uses a synoptic view and as such has to create a property on the scene root for storing variables during execution, please delete when not needed anymore.. PROBLEM2, I can't find a script command to turn center mode back on after picking a target object, as such you need to do this yourself (until a method can be found....)

"New" Center to Verticies by Andrea Padovan: This script is similar to "move center to vertices" command in XSI , the difference is that it is caculated on the object's BBOX.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: "New" Center to Verticies

Bounding Box Create by Andrea Padovan: This script get the bbox selection and create a cube (like the bbox selection) select anything and run script

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: Bounding Box Create

InstanceLatticeSymmetry - By Graham D Clark - Website - Instances objects over x axis and allows symmetry modeling scl/pos/rot over x axis. Like symmetry constraint but uses a -x scaled lattice. Advantage over InstanceApplySymAll script is that mirroring can take place locally by making the "mirrorlattice" object a child of a parent null of all the objects. TURN AUTO CHILD COMPENSATE FLAG OFF TO HAVE INSTANCE MIRROR

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install:

Instance Symmetry All - By Graham D Clark - Website - Selected objects instanced and instances symmetry constrained to their originals. Advantage over Model In symmetry script is that nulls can be included

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: Instance Symmetry All

MergeCleanUI - By Javier -'MergeClean bypasses XSI Merging restrictions allowing:
'1. Branch selection for merging
'2. Surfmesh merging (automatically performing nurbs2mesh and cleaning up)
'3. 'dirty' selection (automatically filtering nonpolymeshes out)
'4. It then cleans out clusters and freezes modelling relations.
'5. Has UI. To modify initial values edit: ".values" within paragraph'//UI ***

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: MergeClean

MergeClean NOUI - By Javier -'MergeClean bypasses XSI Merging restrictions.'This version has no UI but you can set default merge values. I find it faster in the long run.

MergeClean bypasses XSI Merging restrictions allowing:
1. Branch selection for merging /
2. Surfmesh merging (automatically performing nurbs2mesh and cleaning up)
3. 'dirty' selection (automatically filtering nonpolymeshes out)
4. It then cleans out clusters and freezes modelling relations, optionally deleting
Comment out last 3 lines to stop this.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: MergeCleanNOUI

Polygon Healer - By Javier - This script will find all holes on a polygon selection and:
1. cap polygons collapsing them outputting the selection of new polygons .
2. and or, clean up new polygons by dissolving them.
3. &/o Select all polygon boundaries

If your original holes have common points, the capping may not be perfect. To fix this, just call the command again and the Healer with answer your prayers. Caveat1. script is a bit slow but it works. caveat2. this method could produce self intersecting polygons. I have fixes in the works but.., not yet, not free. UI Control

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: Polygon Healer

JModel2Null - By Javier - Some Imports bring hierarchies into XSI as Models instead of Null Parents. This script replaces the Models for Nulls keeping hierarchy, position,rotation and scale. Use: select all models you want cleaned up as nulls and run.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: JModel2Null

TWIG GEN Beta3 - By Vincent Fortin - This script generates extruded models along one or more specified curve(s). It can be used to produce various effects like roots, twigs, hay, cables & wires. Draw a spline and run the script

NUMBER: Defines the number of models to generate
POINTS: Defines the number of points. The more points you set, the more ripples each model will have.
VAR: Controls the degree of variability in the POINTS value of each generated curves.
MAX CHAOS: Defines the maximum amplitude (negative to positive) of each ripple. Value is in Softimage|XSI Units.
SEED: Random seed value for the point generation.
ORGANIZED CHAOS: Used to give more similarity to the ripples. Useful for hair or wires.
FREEZE ALL: Freezes extrusion operators. You won't have any further control over shape, animation & modeling relation.
Linear: If checked, will create linear curves.
CURVES ONLY: Doesn't create any geometry, only splines with proper modeling relation.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: TWIG GEN

PNET (Polygons to NURBS) - By Javier - Here is the script to access the PNET command. It is buggy and cumbersome. The command has no tools to modify its parameters and boundaries are not perfect, yet it is a begining.

'Script accesses beta command to convert polygon meshes into surface meshes.
'Works best as command. Drag text onto toolbar, command name: PNET
'Select one model at a time and run.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: PNET (Polygons to NURBS)

Geometry Displacement - By Felix -Want to turn your displacement maps into real geometry? Then this is for you

Xsi Shatter v3.0 - By M i c h e l e S a n d r o n i - Breaks up an objects into real 3D fragments

Xsi Flow Polys Around Object - b0.5 - By M i c h e l e S a n d r o n i - Explodes an object to many single-poly objects and makes them flow around it

Cutter - By Helge Mathee - Website -The cutter script is able to cut through 3d-objects in XSI.

Tris to Quads - By Javier - Website - A script I just wrote me for cleaning up triangles into Quads. It uses a stupid algorithm without much checking but it does the job mostly.

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: Tris to Quads

HRC Lightwave XSI importer - By Jabbar Raisani - Website - Created mainly for importing LightWave files exported as .hrc files and creating separate objects based on clusters. Description: Asks user to select .hrc file, then pick the actual geoemetry to breakup. Script then creates individual objects based on the polygonal clusters. Script will also rename objects based on relative clusters and create a backup

Drag and drop this link from a netview browser within XSI 1.5 and above to install: HRC Lightwave XSI importer

Have you got a helpful script that you think might be useful to others? Want to get it posted here? Just mail it to me (, and I'll put it up!