All SOFTIMAGE|3D Tutorials

SOFTIMAGE|3D Tutorials

Tutorial #325: SOFTIMAGE|3D

SOFTIMAGE|3D Modeling and Animation Video(English)
By "Chinny" =) Thanks to
Chinny shows you some of the cool modeling functions in SOFTIMAGE®|3D and uses them to turn a box into a scorpion. Then he uses some other cool tools to animate it.

Tutorial #326: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Human Facial Animation (English)
by Anthony Rossano - Mesmer
Set up Facial Animation based on real humbn bone structures.

Tutorial #327: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Using Expressions (English)
by Anthony Rossano - Mesmer
Expressions fascinate people because they hold out the promise of huge productivity gains and tremendous improvements in quality of work, all with very little effort. Expressions can in fact be used to automate just about everything in Softimage 3D.

Tutorial #328: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Polygon Modeling (English)
by Anthony Rossano - Mesmer
A subset of Softimage’s Modeling tools, the Polygonal Modeling tools enable you to manipulate objects made of polygons, as well as individual polygons themselves. Sometimes using the Polygon Modeling tools is just the easiest way to make the objects you need for your rendered scenes, but other times Polygonal Modeling is the only way to precisely control what you get.

Tutorial #329: SOFTIMAGE|3D

AnimatingClusters, ClusterCenters, and the WaveEffect (English)
by Anthony Rossano - Mesmer
Clusters have a useful purpose - they can be pinned to other objects, and other objects can be pinned to them. This solves a very thorny problem in character animation: how do individual objects stay attached to another object that is deforming without deforming themselves?

Tutorial #330: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Shape Animation, Clusters, and QuickStretch (English)
by Annesa Hartman
- Mesmer
From Play-Doh to Softimage: Using Shape Animation, Clusters & Quick Stretch to Bring Your Characters to Life

Tutorial #331: SOFTIMAGE|3D

VRML and Real-Time Modeling (English)
by Anthony Rossano
- Mesmer
Modeling a building for Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML)

Tutorial #332: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Modeling for VRML & Real-Time (English)
by Anthony Rossano
- Mesmer
Modeling for VRML & Real Time with Softimage

Tutorial #333: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Particle Systems (English)
by Anthony Rossano
- Mesmer
Learn the answer to... What's a particle system?

Tutorial #334: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Global Enveloping & Weight Modification(English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Through the use of the ACTOR module, as well as an intricate understanding of parent - child relationships, this lesson will aid you in understanding how the Global Envelope works in helping to create living, breathing organic characters. Weighting techniques and aids examined in this tutorial will include; Modify Weights, Bounding Models, Ressigning Manually, Reassigning Automatically, Showing Vertices.

Tutorial #335: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Global Enveloping & Weight Modification(English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Through the use of the ACTOR module, as well as an intricate understanding of parent - child relationships, this lesson will aid you in understanding how the Global Envelope works in helping to create living, breathing organic characters. Weighting techniques and aids examined in this tutorial will include; Modify Weights, Bounding Models, Ressigning Manually, Reassigning Automatically, Showing Vertices.

Tutorial #336: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Adam Sale - Joncrow Entertainment Animation Tutorials(English)

A collection of Tutorials on animation in SOFTIMAGE|3D and beyond. From Adam Sales web site:
Joncrow Entertainment.

Tutorial #337: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Squash & Stretch Cartoon Eyes
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
The Branch Lattice is a perfect method for the creation of these very cliché eyeballs. As is the case in many of these tutorials, a solid understanding of parent - child relationships and rotational axes is essential for this method to work. After we have finished off the creation of the eyes, we will use directional constraints to control the movement of the eyes.

Tutorial #338: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Softimage Recipe The Character Rig (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Through the use of Hierarchies, Position Constraints and Orientation Constraints, we will construct a rugged character rig using primitive null objects, to withstand the hostile environment of Cartesian space, as well as to stand up to the demands of 3D Animators.

Tutorial #339: SOFTIMAGE|3D

SOFTIMAGE|3D Video Card Faq(English)
By Ed Harriss
SOFTIMAGE|3D can be pretty picky about what video card it will and will not work with. If you use a card off of the approved list then you'll probably not need this FAQ, but if you've got an older card that is not supported or a "game card" then read on...

Tutorial #340: SOFTIMAGE|3D and Eddie

Depth Blurring (English)
By Manny Papamanos - Website
In reality a camera has a focus effect which means that elements will be in focus (sharper) while others will be blurred. Usually you can add depth fading and render your scene with it, other times you may have rendered the images without depth fading and wish to add it afterwards such as this case. This procedure gives a hands-on approach, since you can see the level of grays and can always fine tune results. This effect also helps in reducing aliasing at long distances where things get really small and lack anti-aliasing.

Tutorial #341: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Lo-Res to Hi-Res Animation Swaps (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
By using two different characters, whose bones are of the exact same configuration, with the same names, we will be able to animate the bone hierarchy of the first low resolution character, save its animation file, and then associate that same animation file to the second high resolution character.

Tutorial #342: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Storing and Recycling Animation Files (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
The Softimage Database structure is extremely dynamic. Each element in Softimage is stored in its own separate database. Lights, Materials, Animation, etc. This tutorial deals with saving animation files, and then being able to recall them at any given time. This method allows you to re-use any actions that occur repetitively throughout your animations.

Tutorial #343: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Animation Pre-Production with Softimage 3D (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Before we begin, we need to ask ourselves if we are prepared? There are a few tools we need to put into our belts before beginning any animation.

Tutorial #344: SOFTIMAGE|3D

UV Mapping in SI3D
By Bernard Lebel - Website
One topic has very few available online resources, namely UV mapping. So here I will provide some common technique to edit UVs and projection onto polygonal objects.

Tutorial #345: SOFTIMAGE|3D

The Dope Sheet In Aid Of Step By Step Animation (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Using the Step By Step Method of Animating a character, you will block in your animation, and then utilize the powerful Softimage Dope Sheet to tweak the timing of the actors in your scenes.

Tutorial #346: SOFTIMAGE|3D

By : LSM, The Basement Fox
Transitioning from Softimage|3D to Softimage|XSI? Then this is for you!It's in Japanese, but all the important information is in English. Just click on the highlighted portions of the Softimage3D interface to see the XSI equivalents.

Tutorial #347: SOFTIMAGE|XSI

SOFTIMAGE|3D To SOFTIMAGE|XSI Tutorials (Japanese)
By : LSM, The Basement Fox
Transitioning from Softimage|3D to Softimage|XSI? Then this is for you! It contains tips on Modeling, Animation, Rendering and other tips.

Tutorial #348: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Animation Blocking in Softimage 3D (English)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
One of the first things you must do as an animator is get a feel for the scene and its effect upon your character(s).

Tutorial #349: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Breakdowns and In-Betweens in Softimage3D
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
As you begin this tutorial, it is assumed that you have possession of a full working 3D character, and have completed the blocking phase of your animation described in the previous tutorial, Animation Blocking in Softimage 3D.

Tutorial #350: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Interacting With Scene Objects in Softimage|3D
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Using a combination of strategic object placement, key posing, constraints and the dopesheet your character can easily manipulate objects in the world.

Tutorial #351: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Lip Sync Setup in Softimage 3D (english)
by Adam Sale
- Joncrow Entertainment
Softimage can use any object as a skeleton. In this tutorial we will be using a primitive spline as the control for our lips.

Tutorial #352: SOFTIMAGE|3D and mental ray

SOFTIMAGE|3D Tutorials(English)

Hosted by Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

A giant collection of SOFTIMAGE|3D tutorials.

Tutorial #353: SOFTIMAGE|3D and Metamesh Extreme

Wheel and Mag tutorial(English)

(This tutorial is also avaliable in French)
Create a Mag Wheel using SOFTIMAGE|3D and Metamesh Extreme

Tutorial #354: SOFTIMAGE|3D

SOFTIMAGE|3D Mesmer Tutorials (English) has a large collection of SOFTIMAGE|3D tutorials in the Mesmer distance learning section.

Tutorial #355: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Starting SOFTIMAGE|3D with your own set of customized Supra Keys (English)
(This tutorial is also avaliable in Korean)

Tutorial #356: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Camera Control Rig (English)
(This tutorial is also avaliable in French)
Control the Camera and Interest (Translation, Rotation, Rolling, Aperture...) with 1 or 2 objects.

Tutorial #357: SOFTIMAGE|3D and Maya

Maya2SOFTIMAGE|3D (English)
(This tutorial is also avaliable in Korean)
Convert your Maya models to SOFTIMAGE|3D

Tutorial #358: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Network Rendering in SOFTIMAGE|3D(Korean)
By Peter Shin - Homepage

Tutorial #359: SOFTIMAGE|3D and mental ray

Setting up a scene for Global Illumination using SOFTIMAGE|3D (ENGLISH)
(This tutorial is also avaliable in Japanese)

(and this tutorial is also avaliable in Korean)

Tutorial #360:SOFTIMAGE|3D

Global Illumination and Final Gathering in SOFTIMAGE|3D(English)
By Peter Shin - Homepage
Set up a scene for GI and FG... Fast!

Tutorial #361: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Skis part 1: Creating the skis
Skis part 2: Cycling the skis(English)
Skis part 3: Moving the skis(English)

By Bernard Lebel - Website
This three part tutorial presents a technique I learned in school, thanks to Marco Beauchemin, my Softimage|3D teacher. The skis is a technique that allows the animator to animate the feet of a character in a very convenient way and solves problems related to feet. Basically it consist of few bones that are added to the feet and and take control of them. This is ideal to create walk cycles.

Tutorial #362: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Global Illumination and Final Gathering Exponent adjustment(English)
By Peter Shin - Homepage
Learn how to get good GI/FG results by controling the Exponent Parameter.

Tutorial #314: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Character Setup "Beyond the Basics"(English)
By Stefan Andersson
"As an animator you despise all technical bullshit, you just want to animate and not care about the rest." This tutorial will help you do just that. =)

Tutorial #363: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Creating Stereoscopic Images(English)
By Nanomation
This tutorial will show you how to make stereo pictures in SOFTIMAGE|3D - the kind that are viewed using special glasses.

Tutorial #364: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Easy Toon Rendering (English)
By Michael Arias
This tutorial will show you how to make stereo pictures in SOFTIMAGE|3D - the kind that are viewed using special glasses.

Tutorial #365: SOFTIMAGE|3D

Toon Shader Primer (English)
By Michael Arias
Michael Arias, creator of the Toon Shaders, answers frequently asked questions about Toon rendering with SOFTIMAGE®|3D and mental ray

Tutorial #366: SOFTIMAGE|3D

SOFTIMAGE|3D Online Manuals
By Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
SOFTIMAGE®|3D and mental ray manuals, online. Much easier to cary around than the printed ones.

Tutorial #367: SOFTIMAGE|3D

By Thomas Steffen Noerregaard Olesen
Interactive SOFTIMAGE®|3D and mental ray manuals. This web page is awesome. It has a semi-functional SOFTIMAGE|3D interface. When you click on a menu command it tells you what it does. Very easy.

Misc Tutorials

Tutorial #368: Compositing

Anatomy of a Composition (English)
(More of a "making of" than a tutorial)

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