1. Default Colors Utility -Interactively changes
the default color values in your SOFTIMAGE|3D color box. (Desktop.rsrc).
2. Softimage Email Database
(1999-2000) - The most useful Q & A from the Softimage Mailing List. All
sorted very nicely in a Microsoft ACCESS Database. This is updated version of
last years database with the past 2 years of useful emails . Courtesy of Bill
3. Maya2Softimage
- (Click here for a Korean
version) More of a Tutorial than a tool, written by Stefan Andersson: how
to import models created with Maya into SOFTIMAGE|3D.
4. Microscribe driver - By
Darren Hendler - A plugin that works with the softimage channel drivers
and the digitizer plugin in the motion module. Allowing you to use the Microscribe
Digitizer in SOFTIMAGE|3D.
5. RenderQueue 2.0
- By Arvid Björn - Generates a dos BATCH
file contaning everything SOFTIMAGE|3D needs to render a scene in any database
listed in your DatabaseDir.rsrc file. Click
here for more info
6. MentalQue - By Arvid
Björn - This program lets the user add MI files generated by mental ray
to a batch list, with an easy to use graphical user interface. Click
here for more info
pic file format information -Written by Paul
Bourke Based upon code by Halfdan
Ingvarsson - Softimage and support software such as MentalRay export images
in what they call "pic" files. These support RGB and RGBA images with either
no compression or RLE (Run Length Encoding). The code provided on this page
forms the basis of a translator, currently just writing PPM and RAW images with
or without the alpha channel and optionally flipped along the horizontal axis.
8. Halfy's
SOFTIMAGE|SAAPHIRE FAQ - By Halfdan Ingvarsson
- Halfy's Self-Gratification
Corner (I.E. Website) - This FAQ is a list of tips and tricks and questions
and answers and other things related to Softimage|SAAPHIRE. Most of this stuff
has been culled through the years by spending hours figuring out why things
don't work as advertised and monitoring the SAAPHIRE developers list.
1. Softimage File format output scripts - By Ed Harriss - Render to any format, supported by a standalone, with SOFTIMAGE|3D. TGA, SGI, TIF, YUV, etc....
2. Softimage auto renumberer - By Ed Harriss - (Click here for Korean Instructions) Make SOFTIMAGE|3D render out images in a format compatible with most compositing packages.(Leading Zeroes) For example: SOFTIMAGE|3D renders frame 12 and calls it. image.12.pic. This script will automaticaly change the file to image.0012.pic
3. Softimage auto renumberer combined with the Softimage File format output scripts- By Ed Harriss - Make SOFTIMAGE|3D render out images in a format compatible with most compositing packages.(Leading Zeroes) and convert it to any format, supported by a standalone, with Softimage. TGA, SGI, TIF, YUV, etc....For example: SOFTIMAGE|3D renders frame 12 and calls it. image.12.pic. These scripts will automaticaly change the file to image.0012.tga or image.0012.sgi, etc...
SOFTIMAGE|3D Sample Scene Databases
FOV effect - This scene will simulate the effect used many times in films. Where the main object is in the foreground and the whole background moves outward from the camera leaving the main object in the same place.Courtesy of Bradley R. Gabe - Technical Director at ILM.
Anisotropic Effect" Database - A scene that does the anisotropic effect
by blending and translating (i.e. rotating) gradients on the disc using expressions.
All the circles and squares are needed to get some information for light and
camera positions in relation to the disc-center. Courtesy of Nicolai
Tuma of Munich Animation.
model: SOFTIMAGE|3DHRC model (360k) - It seems that everybody needs this
model from time to time! So Sandy Sutherland
of The Refinery (Cape)
was kind enough to let me post it!
(For the NT version of SOFTIMAGE|3D, unless specified)
1. Nurbs Cube (NT Only)
- By Erwan Maigret - A modeling primitive that creates a cube with a nurbs surface
2. Nurbs Cylinder (NT
Only) - By Erwan Maigret - A modeling primitive that creates a cylinder
with a nurb Surface
3. ChangeSteps (NT Version)
- By Erwan Maigret - This plugin adds or substracts steps (in u and v) on patchs
surfaces and curves (IRIX Version)
3aChangeSteps (IRIX Version)
4. BlackOut
(NT Version) - By Erwan Maigret
- This plugin deletes all the materials and textures of a Hierarchy.
4aBlackOut (IRIX Version)
5. TagLine (IRIX Only) - By Erwan Maigret
- This plugin selects a line of tagged points from only 2, for polygon mesh
models only.
6. SubLine (IRIX Only) - By Erwan Maigret
- This plugin dds a line in the middle of quad polygons.
7. PolygonSelectExpand (IRIX
Only) - By Erwan Maigret - This plugin select the neighbouring polygons of selected
8. Def2Gab (IRIX Only) - By Erwan Maigret
- This plugin simplifies the geometry of models so that they are easier to animate.
It keeps the data in the invisible part of the model in order to go back to
the original geometry. Anytime during the animation you can swap between the
high definition and low definition geometry of any part of a model.
9. CopyConstrain (Actor->Constraint)
by Hirotaka Imagawa(imosan) - When a duplicated
hierarchy has lost it's constraints. This plugin brings back your constraint
setup from original one you made. Known Limitation: Constraint->Position Limits
->Sphere won't be copied correctly.(it depends on SDK bug.) And, Two Point/Three
Point Constraint are not supported.
10. CopyNameTree (Model->Effect) by
Hirotaka Imagawa(imosan) - This plugin
matches all node names of a hierarchy when you make a symmetry hierarchy such
as hand. Before you use this plugin, you have to define any Prefix for original
11. MakeFat (Model->Effect) by Hirotaka
Imagawa(imosan) - This plugin is very simillar with Effect->Push, but you
can use the Tag option.
12. Delete all Textures(NT Version) -
Deletes all the textures in the scene.
12a Delete all Textures(IRIX Version)
13. Get Truetype Fonts(IRIX Only) - By
Kim Aldis - This plugin allows you to import truetype fonts into Softimage
14. Get Post Script Fonts(IRIX Only)
- By Kim Aldis - This plugin allows you
to import postscript or truetype fonts into Softimage 3D.
15. Animated Constraints - by Daikin Industries
LTD. - Allows you to Animate constraints in Softimage3D. Position, Orientation,
Direction, Scaling constraints are supported.
Cloth - TOPIXCLOTH is a free cloth simulation plug-in for Softimage3D
17. SPEEDRENDER shaders
- SpeedRender is a collection mental ray® shaders and custom effects for SOFTIMAGE®|3D
that allows artists to create stunning visual effects. With SpeedRender, the
user controls the shading and the lighting to enhance the image quality of SOFTIMAGE|3D.
SpeedRender is a must-have for all people who create high-end images! SpeedRender
is a spinoff from L/Image, a renderer that Imagica Corp.(Tokyo, Japan) has been
developing for over 10 years.
If after installing it you get error messages then try add
three lines in your %SI_LOCATION%\3D\rsrc\rayrc.
registry "{SPEEDRENDER}"
value "C:/SpeedRender/MR_Shaders"
end registry
18. Lightwave
to SOFTIMAGE|3D Export - This is the Modeler plugin to export geometry,
materials and and texture UV coordinates to a SOFTIMAGE|3D (.hrc) file. Requires
a copy of Lightwave to to work.
Mirror links:
Lightwave SOFTIMAGE3D Export
Windows zip
SOFTIMAGE3D Export For Older Versions Windows zip
SOFTIMAGE3D Export For Older Versions Alpha zip
SOFTIMAGE3D Export For Older Versions SGI zip
19. Haggi's
SOFTIMAGE|3D plugins - Haggi's
Visual Effects and Animation - extCam (A camera Tool) DuplikateWithOff (An
Fcurve tool) and Deformer (Spline deformation tool) All plugins were created
by steini. Mirror link: Haggis Plugins
SOFTIMAGE|3D Converters
1. Soft2omf
by By Chris Trimble and Nick
Kisseberth - Converts SOFTIMAGE .pic files to OMF. So that they can be imported
into Avid Media Composer. Install Notes
2. Flame2Soft - By Phil Jones - This plugin
converts tracking data from FLAME to SOFTIMAGE|3D.
3 Softimage ZPic converter
- By Kim Jensen - ConvertsSOFTIMAGE ZPIC
files to BMP or JPEG for use in post production tools like older versions of
AfterEffects, Digital Fusion, or other packages that do not support the SoftImage
ZPIC format. Click here for
more information
4 Softimage Pic Plugin for windows
- This plugin reads SOFTIMAGE pic format images into photoshop.
5. Softimage Pic Plugin for macintosh
- This plugin reads SOFTIMAGE pic format images into photoshop.
6. Soft2Rib version 1 (NT) -
By soft2rib - Converts SOFTIMAGE|3D
scene information to the RenderMan standard. (RIB files) Click
here for more Information
6a Soft2Rib version 1 (IRIX)
7. Soft2MW
- by Naoto Ozaki - Mystery plugin.